Looking on the brighter side <3


Today was an incredibly stressful day, although with the help of my love, Bethany & the lord I came through it with a smile on my face for most of the day. I never knew how hard it would be to take care of someone elses child for the day. Screaming for no reason, not knowing what is wrong or how to make it better. I think from now on I am going to stick to watching older kids. I think that would be the best option for me. I wish I had a few other children to watch though. That would make a little bit extra money for the extras.

On another note ;; I cant wait to decide what College I want to go to. Speaking of which, I need to go get my transcripts from Columbia Southern so that I can actually start applying to other ones. Its sad but I really wanna start again. I miss school. Sometimes I sit here wondering what ima get to end up doing when I get that degree.. If im ever gonna get to be a secretary like i truely want to be..

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