Petty People

I find it kind of odd that you dont like me and that im such a “back stabber” yet my name is always in your mouth. I find it kind of funny that everything that goes on in your teenage daughters life, you blame on me. “Oh Kathryn put those words in her head” or “Kathryn said that” smh. Come on why cant we be grown for once? I find it odd that you feel the need to talk shit about me when its YOUR flesh and blood that tried to get your own grandson taken away and is trying to make his mother look like an unfit parent.

Looking on the brighter side <3


Today was an incredibly stressful day, although with the help of my love, Bethany & the lord I came through it with a smile on my face for most of the day. I never knew how hard it would be to take care of someone elses child for the day. Screaming for no reason, not knowing what is wrong or how to make it better. I think from now on I am going to stick to watching older kids. I think that would be the best option for me. I wish I had a few other children to watch though. That would make a little bit extra money for the extras.

On another note ;; I cant wait to decide what College I want to go to. Speaking of which, I need to go get my transcripts from Columbia Southern so that I can actually start applying to other ones. Its sad but I really wanna start again. I miss school. Sometimes I sit here wondering what ima get to end up doing when I get that degree.. If im ever gonna get to be a secretary like i truely want to be..

Bitches aint Shit

Have you ever just had the feeling that you were going to get into a fight with someone & just not known who or where it was going to happen?? I have that feeling now. I can tell that at some point I am going to get into a fight and im ALMOST sure its going to be because of Toya. Not because she starts the fight or anything but simply because of my jealousy. I do not like when other girls hit on, flirt with or make passes at her and I dont think I would be able to hold my tounge if that was to happen while I was drinking. I mean damn thats my Fiance’ . I feel as though I have a right to get a little mad about things like that.

On another note ;; I started the child care thing on monday. Its been going pretty good so far. I only have 1 little boy & Bethany & Brayden that I watch so its not that hard yet but we will see how it gets later on when I have other kids. I think things are going to be just fine.

I thank you lord for this wonderful day ❤ I am blessed

Truly Blessed!

Sometimes there is so much going on in life that you need a place to vent your feelings, explain things and even sort through your thoughts. I guess this is the place that im going to do that at. Some place safe, secure and most of all not being judged by anyone. Lately I have had multiple blessings in my life and I would like to take a minute to thank the most important person I can think of for blessing me with all these wonderful things in my life. The Lord. 

“For god so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that who so ever believeth in him, shall not parish but have ever lasting life”

The lord has given me a beautiful child whom I love with all my heart, a family who sticks by me even when I feel as though the whole world is caving in and recently a fiance’ that I wouldn’t trade for anyone. I have made many mistakes in my life and one of the ones that I really truly do regret is getting married to my first husband. He was not a good man and did not love me like I deserve to be. The only wonderful thing that came out of that man is my daughter. Bethany Skye Eagle  has truly blessed my life with unconditional love.